New Diocesan Office and Training Centre
First published on: 26th September 2023The new Diocesan Office continues to take shape, here's a brief photo update from the week commencing 18th September 2023.
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The new Diocesan Office continues to take shape, here's a brief photo update from the week commencing 18th September 2023.
A warm welcome to the Reverend Canon Jutta Brueck, the new Vicar of Great St Mary's Church in Cambridge,
The Online Services Register is the digital equivalent of keeping a paper Services Register book. General Synod approved the online Services Register as a legal alternative to the paper version in July 2023. You can also use the service to auto complete part of your Statistics for Mission Returns. Switching from paper to the online version is optional. Find out more here.
Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) takes place each year on 27 January
All Shall Be Well: Living with faith, hope and love in the company of Julian of Norwich A day of teaching, conversation, stillness and contemplative prayer, with further options for body prayer and creative attention to the still spaces in and around the Cathedral.
The Faraday Institute has two upcoming courses for church leaders (both lay and ordained), plus a public lecture and a series of seminars that may be of interest
Generosity Week runs from September 24th-October 1st. Read more about what's planned and how you can take part.
Recently published Appointment, RIP and Retirement Announcements, including; RIP - Canon David Vaughan Lewis, Appointment of The Revd Christine Anne Cole and the Retirement of the Revd Allan Roy Landall.
The Revd Devin McLachlan tells us more about his role as a Bishop's Advisor for Inter-faith
Waterbeach Distribution Centre, as part of Ely Foodbank, joined more than 100 food banks across the UK taking action to show support for an ‘Essentials Guarantee’ and calling for the basic rate of Universal Credit to cover the cost of essentials that people need such as food, household bills, and travel costs.
Cambridgeshire ACRE is delighted to be able to support town and parish councils, village hall committees, church communities, local charities and other community groups to establish a network of Community Living Rooms in Fenland this autumn. These must run from publicly accessible community buildings, such as community centres, village halls, churches and their halls, older peoples' day centres, youth centres and community libraries.
As we prepare for the service of Admission and Licensing of LLMs on the 30 September at 2:30pm in the Cathedral, please join us over the next few weeks in praying for the individuals who will be licensed, their families and the parishes in which they will serve.
Did you know, if you're on your Diocese of Ely church electoral roll, or a resident with a CB6 or CB7 postcode, you may be eligible for free entry to Ely Cathedral. Find out more here.
The Diocesan new offices are really starting to take shape, here is a brief update on the major milestones reached by the first few days of September (2023).
How could being part of a Parish Administrators Network help you and your church? Our next Diocese of Ely Network meeting is on Monday 2 October. Read on to find out more.
The Church of England's Racial Justice team is seeking to mobilise all Global Majority Heritage (GMH) / UK Minoritised Ethnic (UKME) clergy, ordinands and lay ministers and leaders to join an ethnocultural communications network.
The Rev'd Imogen Nay and the Rev'd David Newton, Bishop's Advisors for Climate, will each reflect on this Creationtide season
Creationtide or the Season of Creation is the period in the annual church calendar, from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life.
Black History Month 2023 is a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British society.
Anti-Slavery Day - 18 October - provides an opportunity to raise awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery.