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Independent Safeguarding Board: Statement by the Archbishops

First published on: 3rd May 2023

"As Meg Munn starts her role as Acting Chair of the Independent Safeguarding Board, we affirm our confidence in her and her ability to lead the Board's important work."

Update from the Living in Love and Faith implementation working groups

First published on: 3rd May 2023

A series of working groups taking forward proposals for the Church of England on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage are up and running.

The Coronation Liturgy: 'Called to Serve'

First published on: 3rd May 2023

Lambeth Palace has published the Liturgy for the Coronation of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey on 6th May. The theme of the Liturgy is 'Called to Serve'.

Families and Households Commission

First published on: 3rd May 2023

In its new Report - 'Love Matters' - the Archbishops' Commission on Families and Households has outlined five ambitions to support and strengthen family life.

Contested Heritage Guidance Review

First published on: 28th April 2023

The Church of England's Cathedral & Church Buildings Division is reviewing the Contested Heritage guidance issued by the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England and the Church Buildings Council. We would appreciate your feedback to help us improve this guidance.

Self-Supporting Ordained Ministers Monthly Zoom Call

First published on: 26th April 2023

Amanda O'Neill, the Bishop's Advisor on Self-Supporting Ordained Ministers is setting up a monthly Zoom call for all SSOMs.

Ringing for the King and St Etheldreda

First published on: 26th April 2023

The bell ringers of St Mary's Church Ely have finalised their programme to 'Ring for the King'

Leading your Church into Growth: Get involved

First published on: 26th April 2023

Join us for an online conference, 'Leading your Church into Growth' on 19 - 21 May

iKnowChurch - Everything under one roof

First published on: 26th April 2023

iKnowChurch provide Church Management Software, providing all the tools you might need under one roof. If you have not yet explored what they might be able to offer, now could be the time.

New Housing Conversation Day

First published on: 25th April 2023

Are you missionally engaging in new housing? Do you have new housing being built near you? Are you wondering about the Christian response? Are you enabling others to missionally engage in new housing? If so, this event may be for you!

National Churches Trust: All Grants Now Open

First published on: 24th April 2023

The National Churches Trust paused its grant programmes in 2022 to launch a new strategy and grant database. Medium Grants, is the last of the three programmes to re-open - the deadline for applications is the 4th May 2023.

The Community of St Etheldreda

First published on: 20th April 2023

A collective of people from across the Diocese of Ely exploring pioneering forms of mission and ministry.

Climate Change: The Bishops share a call for action

First published on: 17th April 2023

Ahead of 'The Big One' climate change protest this month, the Bishop of Ely and the Bishop of Huntingdon have released a statement in support of the global fight against climate change.

Contemplation and Action Prayer Days

First published on: 13th April 2023

Finding wellsprings of prayer, hope & vision in parched times. A ministry training day for clergy and LLMs in the Diocese of Ely, as people and leaders of prayer and mission.

Celebration and commissioning service - children and young people

First published on: 13th April 2023

To take place at Ely Cathedral, 2:15pm Sunday 10 September 2023

Bishop Stephen's Chrism Mass Sermon 2023

First published on: 12th April 2023

A copy of Bishop Stephen's Chrism Mass Sermon, delivered at Ely Cathedral on 6 April 2023

Ministry Development Review

First published on: 4th April 2023

Ministry Development Review update

Funeral Service of The Revd Anna Matthews - Ely Cathedral

First published on: 3rd April 2023

The Revd Anna Matthews funeral will take place at the Cathedral on Wednesday, 26th April at 12.30pm. The Very Reverend Dr Jeffrey John will preach. Bishop Stephen shall preside, assisted by Cathedral clergy.

Clergy Payroll in the People System is now live

First published on: 31st March 2023

The People System is the National Church of England platform that holds people data for stipendiary clergy and other ministers.

Finding wellsprings of prayer, hope & vision in parched times

First published on: 30th March 2023

A ministry training day for clergy and LLMs in the Diocese of Ely, as people and leaders of prayer and mission.

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