Finding support for your Mission and Ministry
Areas of support available from the Diocesan including contact details for the Mission and Ministry Team, Bishop's Advisors and Coordinators. If you're looking for something specific, don't forget to use the search bar at the top right of the page!
Contact the team

Our Mission and Ministry staff team are further supported by a number of other advisors, both lay and ordained, who work throughout the Diocese to serve our common mission and ministry. Find out more about the areas of support and Contact details for the Mission and Ministry staff team, Bishop's Advisors and Coordinators.
Lay Ministry

Lay ministries cover a huge variety of different forms of Christian service and there are a range of lay ministry roles available across the diocese.Opportunities to develop and support Lay Ministry in your Parish.
Growing Younger

The children, youth and schools mission team is here to support you as an individual (paid or volunteer), as clergy, as a parish, benefice or deanery to grow in confidence, commitment, creativity and competence in your mission and ministry with children, young people, families and schools. Support for working with children, young people and families
Information for Clergy

These pages are designed to signpost you to some basic and accessible information about serving in the Diocese of Ely, including some of the diocese's current policies and procedures. Resources and Information for Stipendary Clergy.
Disability and Church

We are committed to removing the barriers that Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people face within the church. We want all people to be able to fully belong and participate in the life, mission and ministry of the church and we want all people to be able to flourish and grow as disciples and ministers, regardless of any physical, sensory or cognitive difference. Find information and guidance on actions you can take to improve the general accessibility of your church building and services.
Changing Market Towns

Find out more about our Changing Market Towns project.
Racial Justice

Find out more about our Racial Justice project.
New Housing

The Mission and Ministry Team seeks to inform, train, and equip leaders across the diocese with creative ideas and stories from experience of church plants and engagement with new housing schemes and councils, as to how best such hopes can become a reality. Visit the New Housing area of the website to find out more.
Social Action

We believe that it is imperative for churches to engage with issues of social justice and aim to respond to current needs within our culture and society. Visit the Social Action area of our website to find information to enable and train christians to engage with these matters with a sense of priority, concern, prayerfulness and practical application to see things change.

Addressing Homelessness An overview of how churches can act to help those who are homeless.
Rural Mission and Ministry

Around 38% of the area of the Diocese of Ely is rural (villages and hamlets). The rural church faces opportunities and challenges, some of which are similar to those in other context, but many of which are particular to rural areas. Visit the Rural Mission and Ministry area of the website to find out more.
World Links

We express a prayerful and active concern for the events, needs and current landscape of the wider world and Christians across the globe. The Diocese of Ely has links with dioceses and churches across the world. Visit World Links to find out more.
Ecumenical Working

Contacts, links and information about working collaboratively with other Christian denominations.
Preaching in the Diocese of Ely

More about Preaching in the Diocese of Ely.
Exploring a Church Vocation

We offer support for Lay and Ordained vocations alike. Please visit the Vocations area of the website to find out more about each of the ministries. Our Mission and Ministry team are here to support you on your journey.
Fresh Expressions

More about Fresh Expressions of church.
Environment and Net Zero Carbon

Responding to the climate and biodiversity crisis is central to our mission. Here you can find resources to support you in caring for God’s world in your church community.
Sunday Morning Resources

Based on the lectionary readings for the Sunday, each of our Sunday Morning Resources consists of a short reflection based on the Gospel reading. The homilies have been written by clergy and LLMs in the Diocese of Ely.