Join us for our next Intergenerational Forum
First published on: 3rd February 2025An opportunity for all those exploring intergenerational styles of church and/or worship, to gather, share ideas, support and encourage each others' journeys.
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An opportunity for all those exploring intergenerational styles of church and/or worship, to gather, share ideas, support and encourage each others' journeys.
There's still time for you to join our Leading your Church into Growth (LyCiG) conference for 2025.
Racial Justice Sunday is for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, to give thanks for the gifts and beauty of human diversity, and to commit to end racism and acts of discrimination.
The theme for this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 18 - 25 January is Do you believe this?
Two events celebrating and commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the first ordination of women as Priests in the Church of England took place in Cambridge and Ely.
On Wednesday 25 September 2025, Bishop Dagmar was delighted to welcome three new Lay Canons and five new Honorary Canons to Ely Cathedral.
A unique opportunity to be refreshed, learn more about prayer and to reflect on our spiritual wellbeing.
Our new Deacons, to be ordained by the Bishop of Huntingdon on Sunday 30 June at 10.30am at Ely Cathedral
Catalyst is a dynamic training course that aims to equip and connect those who work with children and young people in the local church.
The Faraday Institute has a range of events this term which may be of interest to clergy and other church leaders in the Diocese of Ely.
RISE UP Against Domestic Abuse is Mothers' Union's new campaign to raise awareness about domestic abuse.
Charities and churches launch course on practical activism ahead of a much-anticipated General Election
Looking after church buildings is a team effort and often involves far more than people expect.
Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) takes place each year on 27 January
Clergy and their families from across the Diocese were invited to a Family Garden Party in the Bishop's garden earlier this summer.
Looking ahead to the new lectionary year and helping children, youth and families encounter Christ in John’s Gospel, Clergy and LLMs are invited to the October Bishop's study day.
The Ember Prayer Booklet and an introduction to those being ordained Priest and Deacon over the 3rd and 4th July 2021.
The Revd Becky Dyball has been using Minecraft to share Bible stories, and has recently been joined in the game by Bishop Stephen.
The English Clergy Association was founded in 1938. The Association offers support to the Clergy of the Church of England in their vocation and ministry.
On the 5th October the Diocese of Ely was delighted to Admit and License 13 new LLMs at a service held at Ely Cathedral.