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16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence begins on 25th November

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence begins on 25th November.

RISE UP Against Domestic Abuse is Mothers’ Union’s new campaign to raise awareness about domestic abuse

The letters of RISE UP stand for Respond, Inform, Support, Empower, Unite and Pray.

We hope that Mothers' Union members and churches will work together to be a part of the change and will get involved with the RISE UP challenge. 

There are bronze, silver and gold awards for branches and churches who take part and complete various actions. There is a resource below detailing what branches and churches need to do to achieve each level. 

You can find resources to help your church get involved in the RISE UP campaign,  including New prayers to use for 16 Days of Activism and Rise Up! in 2023 on the Mother's Union website: Domestic Abuse Campaigning Resources 2023 | Mothers' Union (

Another way of helping raise awareness of domestic abuse is to ask all your church volunteers to complete the Church of England's Safeguarding pathway Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse via the C of E Training Portal, and ensure your church has adopted a Responding well to domestic abuse policy.

First published on: 21st November 2023
Page last updated: Friday 15th December 2023 12:27 PM
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