Safeguarding Team Drop-in sessions
First published on: 24th May 2024Come and meet with the Safeguarding Team - either in person or virtually - to discuss any areas of Safeguarding for which you feel you need support, advice or further information.
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Come and meet with the Safeguarding Team - either in person or virtually - to discuss any areas of Safeguarding for which you feel you need support, advice or further information.
Pray Your Part is an invitation from the bishops of the Church of England to encourage prayer and participation in the life of our nation and communities, both as voters and as citizens.
The Rev'd Andrew Birks, Vicar of Melbourn and Meldreth, ran over 123 miles during April 2024 in aid of Magpas.
The scheme now allows donors to use the online service, people can simply visit, find their church and follow a few simple steps to set up a donation securely.
Cambridge fitness enthusiast Nick Georgiadis, a senior leader with international development agency Christian Aid, is gearing up for the charity's annual appeal with a 70k cycling challenge.
Ruth Bond OBE was presented with a plaque and cards to commemorate her first 25 years as an Licensed Lay Ministry (LLM)..
There are several opportunities coming up for Self-supporting ordained ministers (SSOMs) working in the Diocese of Ely, including a social evening, retreat day and collaborative ministry training session.
Celebrations have begun after the final tiles were laid in the new toilet and kitchen in St Mary's church. The Aisle project, which included other improvements to make a flexible community space, has been a long journey. The revitalised facilities will make the space more open and accessible so the local community can come together.
Here's a full progress report on the National Burial Ground Survey (NBGS) project within the Diocese of Ely.
Many of you will currently be enjoying the spring flowers in your churchyard - which means it's time to start thinking about grass cutting!
The Bishop of Huntingdon and Acting Bishop of Ely, the Rt Revd Dr Dagmar Winter, is encouraging people to take part in a major charity appeal to help vulnerable communities.
Science touches every aspect of life – from how it begins and how it ends, to how it is lived in between. The same, of course, is true of religion.
The day was a space for young women of all church traditions to explore, see and hear the experience of women ordained in the Church of England.
A message for Easter and Holy Week, from the Right Reverend Dr Dagmar Winter, Bishop of Huntingdon and Acting Bishop of Ely.
The Online Services Register is the digital equivalent of keeping a paper Services Register book. General Synod approved the online Services Register as a legal alternative to the paper version in July 2023. You can also use the service to auto complete part of your Statistics for Mission Returns. Switching from paper to the online version is optional. Find out more here.
St George's journey to achieving the Cambridgeshire Churchyard Conservation Award from the Wildlife Trust started when volunteer Sarah Martin was asked to become an eco-champion by a former church warden.
Katrina, a healthcare Chaplain at Addenbrookes and Papworth hospitals, talks about her role as a Chaplain and her journey to becoming one.
In celebration of International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March, over 150 delegates and students met together at Neale-Wade Academy in March to talk about careers, barriers and how we might overcome them.
Our Education team hosted a Spring Conference for Head Teachers and Deputy Heads from the Diocese of Ely.
Since 2017 the National Lottery Heritage Fund (formerly called the Heritage Lottery Fund) has gone through numerous changes. Holly Robinson, our Historic Church Buildings Support Officer, is running two Zoom sessions to discuss the changes in more detail.