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Did you know that the leading supermarkets - Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Iceland, and Ocado – will all donate money to your church when members of your congregation shop with them?

Whenever an online shopper buys groceries online, the supermarket will send your church either a flat monetary amount of up to £5 or a percentage of what the online shopper spends. On average, just one person could raise £97.50 in a year for your church by doing their food shop; think what multiple people could do! 

Churches of all shapes and sizes can receive this funding - your church just needs to be registered with funding website easyfundraising first. Register here (it’s very straightforward and there is no cost):

More information about the Diocese’s partnership with funding website easyfundraising can be found here: easyfundraising - Diocese of Ely (


Page last updated: Wednesday 14th August 2024 1:10 PM
First published on: 14th August 2024
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