Stories of HOPE in unexpected places
First published on: 21st May 2020The Ely Youth Creative Arts competition is for young people aged 13-18
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The Ely Youth Creative Arts competition is for young people aged 13-18
Introducing apprenticeships into Church of England buildings management.
We have been updating the resources and guidance available to support you during social isolation.
Here is the latest in a planned series of video Reflections from Bishop Dagmar, Bishop of Huntingdon.
You can now sign-up to receive the daily Diocesan Prayer by email.
The Revd Canon Fiona Brampton, Bishop's Adviser for World Mission, presents an update of our linked Diocese of Vellore and how the Covid-19 crisis is touching on society there.
Here is the latest in a planned series of video Reflections from Bishop Dagmar, Bishop of Huntingdon.
Letter from Bishop Dagmar - 6 May 2020
Resources from the Church of England to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) on 8th May 2020.
The Children's Society has launched an Emergency Coronavirus Appeal.
In this video, Bishop Dagmar provides her Reflection for Easter 4 (3rd May 2020).
To support our friends in the Diocese of Kigali, Rwanda
The Parish Giving Scheme announce the launch of a new Direct Debit telephone service
Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line.
A letter from Bishop Stephen, Bishop of Ely - 27th April 2020.
In this video, Bishop Dagmar provides her Reflection for Easter 3 (26th April 2020).
Here is the 6th in a planned series of video Reflections from Bishop Dagmar, Bishop of Huntingdon.
The Diocese of Ely now has 100 churches receiving regular, planned donations through the Parish Giving Scheme.
We are saddened to report the death of Bishop Simon Barrington-Ward on Easter Eve.
In this video, Bishop Dagmar provides her Reflection for Easter Day.