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Sustainable Community Development in Zimbabwe

The SEED Project is a very small grassroots Christian charity that helps communities to become self-sufficient and resilient to life’s storms.

Whether these ‘storms’ are literal and devastating like Cyclone Idai, or metaphorical and more subtle like the sudden loss of an essential supplier or market, the work SEED does is there to help provide support.

SEED’s work includes training people to set-up businesses or planting community woodlots for a sustainable source of food and fuel.

The charity is so small that its entire staff consists of two Community Development Workers in Zimbabwe and a part-time Volunteer Coordinator in the UK, supported by volunteers who help with fundraising, communications and administration.

Perhaps you would like to join them, knowing that your contribution would make a real difference. SEED currently has vacancies for various volunteer roles that can be carried out from home. More information can be found on the SEED website here.

Philippa has been SEED’s fundraising volunteer since 2018. “I enjoy being able to use my professional experience of administering grants to benefit SEED,” she explained. “On a work trip to southern Africa last year I visited some SEED projects and saw the real impact we have first-hand.”

If you want to join SEED’s friendly team of volunteers you can find out more about these and other rewarding roles on the volunteer section of their website.

Follow SEED on Facebook and Twitter to learn about the difference it makes in communities in Zimbabwe.


Image caption: Nyasha successfully completed a SEED carpentry skills course

First published on: 28th October 2019
Page last updated: Monday 28th October 2019 3:54 PM
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