A list of links to charities and other organisations that can advise on the issue of homelessness.
The following links may provide further useful links, resources and information about homelessness and Homeless Sunday.
- Church Homeless Trust (CHT) works closely with homelessness schemes and churches to create communities dedicated to ending homelessness.
- Follow this link for a guide for clergy, staff and parishioners.
- Housing Justice is the national voice of Christian action to prevent homelessness and bad housing.
- Social Responsibility Network (SRN) a network of people that are passionate that the church engages with the issues of our communities.
- Crisis supports people out of homelessness through education, training and support with housing, employment and health. It carries out pioneering research into the causes and consequences of homelessness, and campaign for the changes needed to end it.
- Wintercomfort for the Homeless
- Jimmy's