Being a Churchwarden

Churchwardens are the bishop's lay officers in a parish. It is a volunteer role, and Churchwardens are vital to the health and wellbeing of our church communities.

The role of a Churchwarden is a statutory one, with ancient origins. The rights and responsibilities are laid down in ecclesiastical law under the Churchwardens Measure 2001.

Their first and direct responsibility is to the Bishop, usually via the Archdeacon. Together with the parish priest, they are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of a parish.

Today the role is very varied, but generally involves matters to do with church life, governance, buildings and worship. Churchwardens work closely with Archdeacons and their offices.

Admission of Churchwardens

It is a legal requirement for all churchwardens to be sworn in every year by the Diocesan Registrar or Archdeacon.

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Archdeacons' Visitations

Church Visits are Visitations to parishes carried out by the Archdeacon, the Rural Dean or the Deanery Lay Chair.

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Churchwardens' Training Day 2025

Save the Date - Saturday 20 September 2025

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Contact the Archdeacons

How to contact the Archdeacons' office.

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Further resources and support for Churchwardens

Links to some online resources to help you in your role as a Churchwarden.

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Institution and Licensing Services

Diocesan templates for Licensing or Institution services.


Requirements and key functions of a Churchwarden

An overview of the key requirements and functions of a churchwarden.

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Safeguarding Responsibilities of Churchwardens

Key safeguarding responsibilities of churchwardens.

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Selection and appointment of Churchwardens

Information on the appointment and selection of Churchwardens

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