Further resources and support for Churchwardens
There is a wide range of information and support available for churchwardens. This page highlights key resources.
If, as a churchwarden, you do have a query or concern about an issue in your parish, please either contact your Rural Dean or your Archdeacon's Office.
The Church Buildings department of the Diocese of Ely provide a number of guidance notes and policies around the care of church buildings and churchyards.
PCC Resources
- Various policy, procedure and risk assessment templates to support the work of the PCC can be found in the PCC members section of the Diocesan website here (Click here)
Barrier-free belonging
- Resources on Disability and Church
Other Resources
- Parish Resources - Buildings
- ACAT - the Diocese of Ely has a block membership of ACAT, which means you can access their resources free of charge
- Churchwarden.com - Responsibilities and Duties of the Churchwarden
- Legislation.UK Gov - Churchwardens Measure 2001
- John Truscott - Church Consultant and Trainer
- The English Clergy Association (includes information when in Interregnum)
- Churchwardens National Facebook Group - join the group here.