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National Lottery Grants for Heritage 2021-2022

Applications are now open for National Lottery Grants for Heritage from £3,000 to £5million. This marks a return to the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s core business, but it is not a return to ‘business as usual’.

New Focus

Grants for Heritage will focus on 6 key outcomes during 2021/2022 (projects don’t have to meet all of these):

  • inclusion: 'a wider range of people will be involved in heritage' (mandatory outcome)
  • economy including job creation: 'the local economy will be boosted'
  • wellbeing: ‘people will have greater wellbeing’
  • local areas: ‘the local area will be a better place to live, work and visit’
  • skills: ‘people will have developed skills’
  • organisational resilience: 'funded organisations will be more resilient'

All projects will have to demonstrate that they are environmentally responsible and are integrating environmental measures into their projects.

These outcomes were all part of the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Strategic Funding Framework before Covid-19. There are 9 in total, but because of the pandemic, 3 will now be less of a priority during 2021/22. These are:

  • heritage will be in better condition
  • heritage will be identified and better explained
  • people will have learned about heritage, leading to change in ideas and actions

Projects which only focus on these outcomes may still be funded but will be less of a priority.  For example, a project which only delivers ‘better condition’ and the mandatory inclusion outcome, is less likely to be supported.

The process for application, award and monitoring remains the same.

PLEASE NOTE: If you previously submitted an Expression of Interest Form before the suspension of the programmes in March 2020, you will now have to submit a new form which addresses the revised priorities 2021-22.

Take your Time

The most important advice is to “read all the guidance and take your time”. The National Lottery Heritage Fund expects to receive a high number of applications and will need to prioritise investment where it can make a significant difference. Please thoroughly read the supplementary priorities document, application guidance and help notes, and familiarise yourself with the revised outcomes.

Diocesan staff across the region will be meeting with staff from the National Lottery Heritage Fund next week (commencing 15th February).  As soon as we have more information about what these changes mean for church buildings, we will update you.

First published on: 8th February 2021
Page last updated: Monday 8th February 2021 3:35 PM
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