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Diocesan Development Officer for Schools, Mandy Flaherty

Mandy Flaherty, our Diocesan Development Officer for Schools, develops the links between our parishes and our schools/academies work, particularly through the Parish-School Covenant, advising and supporting ordained & lay ministry in their support of schools.

Mandy also supports the school chaplaincy programme, and is leading on the training programme for any who may be interested in pursuing a chaplaincy ministry in schools. She also provides resource support for collective worship, and leads on the Bishop’s Lent Challenge each year. More specifically, she can advise on theological issues/content and offer advice at times of critical incidents in schools. Mandy hopes to be as much a visible presence as possible in our church schools, whether in person or through other forms of communication.

Mandy has an education background and was a secondary school English, Drama and Media Teacher for 20 years prior to ordination. She has a passion for inclusivity across the curriculum for all kinds of learners and believes that our church schools, along with their parishes, can be forerunners in demonstrating God’s love for all regardless of background, abilities, race, sexuality or gender

Mandy is looking forward to visiting and getting to know the 85 church schools in the diocese and the parishes that work with them, bringing together the visions and mission plans of schools and parishes. Strengthening relationships and collaboration and helping to become more aware of and sensitive to each others priorities and ways of working. 

Mandy will be supporting the training of lay people in parishes to work in schools, working towards discipling a Chaplain for every church school, and developing a Chaplaincy model for non church schools too.

Mandy is looking to launch the Parish School Covenant in schools from Autumn 2023 onwards, after a pilot process in a few schools in the diocese. If schools and parishes sign up to the Covenant, they make a commitment to each other about the way they will relate. The written covenant is intended to be a tool to enable church schools and parishes to evaluate the strength of their relationship and how they work together, and it may also highlight areas for development. This can then be celebrated within the school and parish community as the Covenant is displayed in a prominent position.

In her spare time, Mandy loves reading fiction, exploring coastal areas and going on walks. Mandy and her whole family are animal lovers and enjoy the outdoors - she has two small dogs, a horse and a pet snake to look after at home! Being a Drama specialist from University days, Mandy has a love of the Arts and all things creative, which she tries to incorporate into her work as well as her leisure time.

Mandy's Professional Facebook page is designed to let people know what she is getting up to in my role as Development Officer for Schools Mission and also on the ground as a parish priest. Mandy will be posting content of what is happening in our schools around the diocese as well as giving out information and news. It is also an easy way to comment and share resources. Ely Diocese can feel large and sprawling at times and this is Mandy's way of trying to be more connected and informed as well as entertained, by what we are all doing.  Content related to her work and professional life will be posted here and all appropriate guidelines will be followed regarding sharing content, particularly of children, so please do ensure that the relevant permissions have been given before sending in any content to be shared.

Feel free to Friend and Follow Mandy on Facebook!

First published on: 16th June 2023
Page last updated: Friday 16th June 2023 4:59 PM
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