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Wissey Valley Benefice Gathers Down by the Riverside for Songs of Praise Service

On Sunday [31 July] about 50 adults, children - and a dog, gathered by the River Wissey for a Songs of Praise Service, led by Rev Dr Ian Mack, with the organ played by Mr Chris Young.

Requests had been gathered from across the 8 Parishes of the Wissey Valley Benefice and there were so many requests that they had to be whittled down to a final list of 12, with the other choices played before and after the service.

The service had hymns and worship songs from across the years, along with short bible readings and a poem.

Those who had chosen music explained what it meant to them - one was from their Wedding which was 57 years ago to the day! There was also a short talk by a Ukrainian family who are being hosted by a church member in one of the Parishes in the Benefice. 

Afterwards those attending enjoyed refreshments - including Pimms - living up to the alternative title for the afternoon of 'Hymns and Pimms'.

With thanks to Elaine for providing this story. Please do send your stories to and we will always do our best to share them on the Diocesan website.

Pictures provided from the day are included below.



First published on: 2nd August 2022
Page last updated: Tuesday 2nd August 2022 3:50 PM
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