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The Harvest Generosity Week

A group of new resources to help your church explore God’s generosity and how it enriches our daily lives. 

Harvest is a time to gather what we have, a time to thank God for all he has given us, a time to think and reflect on what God is calling us to create.

These resources and materials from the National Giving Team can be used over the course of a week during the Harvest season and throughout the autumn to encourage people to live generously.

We hope your church will join in and share this time to grow our understanding of God’s generosity and how it enriches our daily lives. 

The Harvest Generosity Week includes a week of resources running from Sunday to Sunday:  

  • 8 daily audio reflection podcasts from a range of voices across the Church of England for your congregation to listen to (available from Parish Resources on 24 September) 
  • Service Content Packs with a range of material for service leaders to include in two Sunday services, one focussing on grace and one on gratitude (available from Parish Resources on 21 September
  • Liturgy for a week’s morning prayer services for services in person or online (available from Parish Resources on 21 September) 
  • A small group study session with a guide for leaders, including a biblical reflection and discussion questions based on the material from one of the Sunday services (available from Parish Resources on 21 September)

If you’d like to take part, please share the podcast link with your church and download the resources as they become available. 


First published on: 24th September 2020
Page last updated: Thursday 24th September 2020 8:00 AM
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