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The Difference course - a new resource from the Archbishop of Canterbury

Difference is a course for you to run that explores following Jesus in a complex and divided world, seeing transformation through everyday encounters.

Navigating a divided and complex world can be hard. We encounter this in our relationships, in our communities and in our wider systems and structures. Many of us long to make a difference, but often we don’t know how to respond or where to start. This is why Archbishop Justin Welby has brought together leading practitioners and thinkers to create Difference, equipping you to cross divides, navigate disagreement and pursue a just and flourishing world.

This course is designed for both large and small groups, meeting online or in-person. It has been run in churches, home groups, prisons and pubs to help followers of Jesus find their part to play in God’s story of restoration.

Find out more


First published on: 15th June 2023
Page last updated: Thursday 15th June 2023 12:10 PM
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