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Spirituality Development Group - Contemplation and Action

Contemplation and Action

Being held in the Father’s heart of love; finding strength and security in a broken world

A ministry training day for clergy in the Diocese of Ely, to reflect on the struggle of the pandemic, to deepen our life of prayer, and respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit in fruitful mission.

The day will be led by the Revd James Shakespeare (Bishop’s Spirituality Adviser), the Revd Ian Cowley (author of ‘The Contemplative Minister’) and other members of the Ely Diocesan Spirituality Development Group.

Dates and venues in 2022:

  • Thursday 24th February 2022 - at Ely Methodist Church
  • Wednesday 30th March 2022 - at St John’s Church, Hills Road, Cambridge
  • Tuesday 7th June 2022 - at Cambourne Church

The day begins at 10.30am (following coffee and registration, from 10am), and ends at 3.45pm. Bring your own packed lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. £5 payable, on the day.
The maximum capacity of the day is 20 clergy.Covid-safety guidelines will be in place.

Please book early to avoid disappointment.

‘If we are close enough to Jesus to know his heart, we will be able to see from his perspective. God wants to do something radically new in our generation. If we draw near enough to him to see it, we can be part of its unfolding.’
Paul S Williams, Chief Executive of Bible Society; The Bible in Transmission, Summer 2020

First published on: 10th February 2022
Page last updated: Thursday 10th February 2022 8:48 AM
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