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Self-Supporting Ordained Ministers Monthly Zoom Call

The first zoom call will be on Saturday 20 May, at 7pm

The topic for the May meeting will be continuing ministerial development (CMD). How can we make this work for self-supporting ministers? This is a topic for all ministers, and Amanda would love to hear your views.

Amanda hopes to provide a place to meet with other self-supporting ordained ministers, to share news and good practice, and for it to be a place for rich and varied discussions. It will be a safe space to share in confidence of being valued, respected, and heard.

Each meeting will use the same zoom link details, so you can put it in your calendar and just join without having to search for an invite.

The outline agenda will be the same each month:

  • The first 15 minutes will be welcome and catch up
  • Then we will have 30 minutes to discuss the topic of the month
  • The last 15 minutes will be a time of reflection & prayer

Taking place on the same date - the 20th of each month - from 7 to 8 pm. Amanda hopes that by the call falling on different days of the week, it will give as many people as possible an opportunity to join throughout the year.

All those who are listed as Self-Supporting Ordained Ministers (SSOMs) within the Diocese should receive an email from Amanda. If you want to find out more, read this letter from Amanda.

First published on: 26th April 2023
Page last updated: Wednesday 26th April 2023 2:37 PM
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