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Revd Lynda Davies added to National Safeguarding Panel

The Revd Lynda Davies, Rector of All Saints Cottenham, in the Diocese of Ely has been appointed to the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Panel as a parish clergy member.

The National Safeguarding Panel provides vital reference and scrutiny to the Church on safeguarding direction and detail, and is keen to ensure its work includes and reflects the local perspective. The decision to include a new parish member to the Panel was agreed by the National Safeguarding Steering Group earlier in the year. 

Lynda brings a combination of experience to the Panel including a 26 year career in local authority social work with specific roles in child protection before her experience as a parish priest following her ordination in 2013. As a member of her local church, Lynda acted as Parish Safeguarding Officer for many years and is currently the clergy representative on Ely’s Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Group.

Lynda wants to facilitate a greater dialogue between safeguarding at a national level and those implementing policy and procedure on the ground, to both celebrate successes and work more closely in tackling the boundaries to effective safeguarding practice.

Welcoming the appointment Meg Munn, independent chair of the Panel, said, ‘I am delighted that Lynda will be joining the National Safeguarding Panel. She brings extensive knowledge of safeguarding alongside long experience of working on safeguarding in a local parish both before and after ordination. Her contribution will be invaluable as we scrutinise safeguarding policies and procedures.”

More informaton:

  • More information on the work of the Panel.
First published on: 23rd May 2022
Page last updated: Monday 23rd May 2022 9:18 AM
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