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Revd Canon Nigel Cooper appointed Visiting Professor

The Revd Canon Nigel Cooper was University Chaplain to Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), Cambridge until last January, when he retired.

ARU have recognised his contribution to the university, and its Global Sustainability Institute in particular, by making him a Visiting Professor. The University hopes that Nigel's many links within and without the church on sustainability matters will lead to collaborations. (Pictured: The Revd Canon Nigel Cooper, with pet cat).

Within our Diocese, Nigel is the specialist member of the DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee) dealing with environmental matters, particularly for arboricultural or nature conservation related applications.

He is a member of the Diocesan Environmental Task Group (DETG), where he and Diana Cook (of the Wildlife Trust's "Churchyard Conservation Award") lead on the biodiversity workstream.  He also represents the DETG on the Buildings Oversight Board. Until his retirement, Nigel was also on the Board of Education for many years.

Not quite a Retirement!

Retirement? Nigel is returning to employment this January as the part-time chaplain at Churchill College, Cambridge. He explains that he considers that the climate and biodiversity crises are so pressing that he wants to go back to working with students on how they can achieve more than he has been able to since he was their age, many decades ago.

Congratulations Nigel on your ‘return from retirement’ as Visiting Professor at the ARU and as the part-time chaplain at Churchill College, Cambridge. The Diocese of Ely remains very fortunate to have your continued support and  inspirational dedication to all matters environmental.

First published on: 9th November 2022
Page last updated: Wednesday 9th November 2022 4:34 PM
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