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Nominations for the 2024 Etheldreda Medal Award

The Etheldreda Medal Award is for persons whose service to community (which might be as ‘local’ as their extended family but could be as extensive as a national or international concern) is both ‘generous’ and ‘outstanding’. It is also essential that the person’s good works have hitherto been unrecognised. I am looking for exceptional people; those who might (in partnership with others) come close to being nominated for a King’s Award for Voluntary Service. This award is for those who not only service their church communities, but also serve their wider community in exemplary fashion. For many people this will be about the duration and persistence of their good works, for others it may relate to a short but extraordinary act of kindness or course of conduct.

The Etheldreda Medal will be awarded to a number of individuals who have given ‘generous and outstanding service which would not otherwise be recognised’. The medal will be awarded to suitable candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.

Nomination forms for those who are to be considered for the 2024 presentations should be sent to the Award Secretary no later than 31 May 2024.

Find out more about the award, nominations process and guidance here:

First published on: 18th December 2023
Page last updated: Monday 18th December 2023 10:34 AM
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