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Nominate your Team for a National Church Award

The National Churches Trust are pleased to announce the launch of their new National Church Awards.

The National Church Awards bring together awards for church architecture, maintenance, tourism, and volunteers. This year the judges will also be finding the UK's Church of the Year, a very special award.

“This is the first year that we have brought all our awards together into one event, it's also the first year we have opened them up for any church, chapel or meeting house across the UK to be nominated…

A huge thanks to our partners who are making the National Church Awards possible, including The Pilgrim Trust, the Marsh Charitable Trust, the Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association and Ecclesiastical Insurance.”

Church Maintenance Awards

This award shines a light on the people who look after local churches. Maintenance is traditionally seen as a dry subject and an activity that has not been actively celebrated or rewarded. But each year many volunteers help to keep church buildings in good condition. We know that helping with maintenance is always rewarding and is also often fun. So, if your church is well cared for, why not nominate your team!

Each country winner will receive £2500, and the overall winner will receive an additional £2500.

Church Volunteer Awards

These awards celebrate the vital contribution which volunteers make to both looking after and making the best use of churches to benefit local communities and people. The judges especially want to hear from churches which are using their buildings as community hubs in creative and imaginative ways. Most recently this was evident as churches rose to the challenge of Covid19, but it could be any volunteer led activity or range of activities happening at your church. 

Each country winner will receive £750, and the overall winner will receive an additional £750.

Church Architecture Awards

The church architecture awards honour excellence and creativity in church architecture. There are three award categories, with prizes for lead Architects, Surveyors or Designers and the church or chapel involved.  

Church Tourism Awards

For this new award, the judges want to hear about how you welcome visitors and tell your story to people who do not usually use your church, and what positive impact being open and welcoming has on your church. More details coming soon.

Church of the Year

To be eligible your church must be nominated for and win one of the above awards.

The winners will be celebrated at a “glorious” high tea, held at the Mercers' Company Livery Hall in October 2022.

Details of all the awards and how to enter a Nomination

Details of all the awards and how to enter a nomination can be found on the National Churches Trust website.

Please ensure you read the specific requirements and guidelines for the award(s) you are interested in; be especially aware of closing dates, as these differ for each award. You can nominate your church or project for more than one award.

“We're really excited about our awards this year and hope that you will be inspired to enter your church, project, architect or volunteer to win one of the prizes.”

First published on: 17th June 2022
Page last updated: Friday 17th June 2022 3:08 PM
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