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Lois commissioned as a new Anna Chaplain in the Diocese of Ely

Lois Read was recently commissioned as an Anna Chaplain in the Diocese of Ely. Lois shared with us these photos from her commissioning service, and told us a bit about her journey to becoming an Anna Chaplain. Find out more about Anna Chaplaincy in the Dicoese of Ely.

I trained as a nurse in the 1970's, and always had a particular love for elderly people. When I got married my husband was a Baptist minister and I served along side him. I have worked in care homes for over 10 years, feeling that I am doing what I was made to do.

My Anna chaplaincy work at the moment is particularly in my work, as I work full time. I am able to lead services in the care home where I work and talk freely to people who ask for spiritual support. 

I hope as time goes on to decrease how much time I spend at work and have more time to give to my church. It would be lovely to develop our ministry to the elderly in the community as well as the church, giving people opportunities to serve our older people. 


First published on: 21st February 2024
Page last updated: Wednesday 21st February 2024 12:49 PM
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