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#LiveLent 2021 church resources: God's Story, Our Story



The Church of England's Lent resources theme for 2021, building on the success of recent years, is entitled #LiveLent: God's Story, Our Story.

It is based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2021, Living His Story by Hannah Steele, published on 19 November by SPCK.

Both the book and the accompanying daily reflections encourage all Christians to think about their calling, how to share their faith and reflect on the difference Christ makes in our lives.  

We witness to God’s story and the impact this has made to our story so that others might also find their story taking on new meaning in the light of God’s love. While the current restrictions on daily life necessitated by the pandemic present significant challenges, the suffering and isolation many continue to face make the need for us to share God’s love with our communities greater than ever.

Rather than just being a Lenten discipline, this year’s #LiveLent is a joyful invitation to make witness a normal part of the Christian life, the natural overflow of a life lived in devotion to Christ. 

Learn More

To find out more about the #LiveLent resources, visit the Church of England's website by clicking here.

First published on: 7th January 2021
Page last updated: Thursday 7th January 2021 3:51 PM
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