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Is the cost of a new audio-visual system worth it?

In 2020 the Parish Buying team introduced four audio visual suppliers to the Parish Buying website, to facilitate the growing need for churches to host services online during the lockdowns.

Everyone appreciates however that purchasing audio visual equipment is a large investment, so they have tried to ensure that they provide you with enough information to make an informed decision on which supplier you would like to choose.

In addition to the written case studies on their website, they have put together a video case study (below) for you to watch. This case study highlights the personal benefits of having services online, such as making services accessible to those who are disabled or physically unable to attend the church building.

Remember - using audio visual equipment to stream online services provides your church with another way to share your giving message by offering online giving which can be linked to during online services using a link or QR code. This provides your congregation with an opportunity to give from home and support your church during these difficult times.


Audio visual case study - Holy Spirit Church, Clapham  from The National Giving Team on Vimeo.

First published on: 5th March 2021
Page last updated: Friday 5th March 2021 7:28 PM
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