Cambridgeshire County Council is working hard to make Cambridgeshire a great place to call home, where people live independently and safely in strong communities that help and support each other.
To realise the vision, the Council’s Corporate Strategy for 2019-21 prioritises three broad outcomes for the period:
- A good quality of life for everyone
- Thriving places for people to live
- The best start for Cambridgeshire’s children
The Innovate & Cultivate Fund helps voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations to deliver projects that help to achieve these broad outcomes by addressing the needs of local residents.
The Innovate & Cultivate Fund aims to redirect Council funding from high cost front-line services, towards support and services that are delivered within, and by, local communities. The priority areas of service where funding applications are most welcome are Adult Social Care and Children & Families services.
The Innovate and Cultivate Fund has two funding streams:
Cultivate - grants of £2,000-£19,000 aimed at encouraging local networks where people help themselves and each other. *New!* Increased grant size and new guidance for Cultivate ‘Seed’ Fund Projects. See below for details.
Innovate - larger grants of up to £50,000 for big projects with big ideas that demonstrate an innovative approach.
More information on the Innovate and Cultivate Fund, including eligibility and how to apply, can be viewed on the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation website by clicking here.