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Grants Update: Cultural Recovery Fund

The third round of the Government’s Cultural Recovery Fund was recently announced.  Contrary to what had been hinted at, there will not be a repeat of the Heritage at Risk grants scheme that helped many of our parish churches last year. 

The last round of the Cultural Recovery Fund consists of:

  • Distributed by Historic England
  • Heritage Stimulus Fund Round 2: Grants for Programmes of Major Works

Grants will be distributed between national organisations that manage a portfolio of designated heritage assets that are open to the public.  This fund is not open to applications from individual churches. The Church of England is applying to support Cathedrals and Major Parish Churches.

Distributed by the National Lottery Heritage Fund

Strand One: Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage: Emergency Resource Support - for organisations that are in severe need and have not yet received support from the Culture Recovery Fund.

Deadline for applications: Midday 30th September 2021.

This is open to individual Places of Worship but you cannot apply for funding that would be categorised as promotion of your faith, for capital projects, such as major repairs or for the payment of staff who are not specifically employed to promote and share your heritage.

Organisations must also be able to demonstrate that they:

  • are culturally significant.
  • are at clear risk of no longer trading viably within 12 weeks of the point of Expression of Interest.
  • normally generate at least 50% of your annual income from your heritage activities.

Strand Two: Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage: Continuity Support - for organisations that are in need and have already received support from the Culture Recovery Fund.  This will be available later this summer for eligible organisations who have already received funding. Existing grantees will receive information about this strand of funding in due course.

If you think you might be able to meet the criteria, please visit the National Lottery Heritage Fund website for more details and the online application portal.

For advice and support with grant applications please contact Holly Isted or Sue Dickinson.

First published on: 9th July 2021
Page last updated: Friday 9th July 2021 1:01 PM
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