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Free church social media calendar for 2020

Organise your social media posts in 2020 with a downloadable content calendar 

At the beginning of a new year, you are likely to be thinking about ways to bring a fresh approach to your church's social media channels. But, where do you start? We know it can be daunting thinking about what to post next week, let alone the next few months, but, with a little planning now, the next few weeks and months will be much easier.

Why create a plan? 

Creating a plan now, also known as a Content Calendar, will help you set out important dates you don't want to miss, and, will help you go from working out what to post week to week, to have planned out the next month. You'll have time to be more creative - it's much easier to make a quick video when you've got time to think it through, and, it's much easier to ask others to help without time pressure!

Creating a content calendar needn't be hard, or take up much time, the Church of England Digital Team even created one for you to download and start using today!

Read more about the calender and other tips for planning your social media in the full Labs Learning Social Media Calender Blog

If you have any questions or need support in your churches/parishes please do not hesitate to contact Eleanor Puttock our Digital Evangelism Manager at 






First published on: 13th January 2020
Page last updated: Monday 13th January 2020 2:45 PM
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