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Fen-Edge Communities: Celebration and Commitment

What began at the start of this month as a community commitment to Environment and celebration of Creation has morphed into a visual symbol of our new King’s ongoing concern for Sustainability.

A pop-up installation appeared outside Waterbeach’s Parish Church of St John the Evangelist this September as part of a partnership with Landbeach and Milton: it celebrates Creationtide, when churches gives thanks for Harvests but also reflect on environmental responsibilities.  New ‘meanings’ developed in summer – and September.

The bright colours of their Leaves [for Biodiversity] and Water-Drops [Water-Stress concerns] plus sharp reds to indicate Climate Change suddenly needed to be muted by Mourning Garlands when the churchyard became a location for floral tributes, and St John’s, itself, a place to sign a Book of Condolence for our dear, late Queen. 

When the children, young people, community groups and isolated individuals began work to create the motifs, netting and solar-powered lighting back in January (2022), it was an act of faith in the widest sense.  No-one anticipated the ferocious temperatures of this summer which point-up the Climate Change message, nor that the installations [one in 3D, plus a Netting Challenge banner by WAY, the local youth project] would stand bright at a time of national sadness.  Confident of the late Queen’s commitment to the Countryside, and the new King’s support of projects for young people, it was agreed that their work should remain in place until the end of Creationtide, 4th October [Feast of St Francis].

Waterbeach and Landbeach acted ahead of the curve in this innovation of religious practice. 

Both villages have shared a Sustainability group focussed around Franciscan values since the Millenium; the LWI group now links to a new Eco-Church group. All have used the Pandemic Era to install an Eco Heat-pump plus Solar Panels plus monitoring on church premises.  The church has achieved a Bronze Award for this and wider initiatives to make St John’s as Eco-aligned as possible, and assertive of Social Justice values. All Saints, Landbeach has been similarly proactive over this period, also pioneering Forest Church activities for children; Jane Oakes, Pioneer Minister, has been recognised by local MPs for her outreach and work for food re-distribution. 

Waterbeach and Landbeach churches have had a twenty-year concern of eco-matters and wasted no time in the recent Pandemic. At St John’s parish church they installed an Eco Heat-pump plus Solar Panels plus monitoring on church premises.  The church has achieved a Bronze Award for this.  All Saints, Landbeach has been similarly proactive over this period, also pioneering Forest Church activities for children; Jane Oakes, Pioneer Minister, has been recognised by local MPs for her outreach and work for food re-distribution. 

To recycle this project, borrow it!

All eight 1.5meter squared net panels will be available for free loan after they have toured to All Saints parish church at Landbeach, and possibly Milton. 

With thanks to Angela Brown, and Jane Oakes, LLM, for prioviding this news item.

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First published on: 26th September 2022
Page last updated: Monday 26th September 2022 4:47 PM
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