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Faith Will

Christian Aid is working alongside the Church of England, the Church of Scotland, the Quakers and the United Reformed Church to encourage people of faith to remember their own church, and Christian Aid, in their Will. More information, and access to a range of free resources, can be found at: Faith Will | Christian Aid

In October, there will be two Faith Will information events (online), one for Church Treasurers and one for clergy. Details are below. Registration / attendance is free of charge.

Faith Will Treasurer Training Session

  • Thursday 03 October, 1.00-1.45pm
  • Registration Link:
  • Church Treasurers are invited to an information session to hear about Faith Will. This joint initiative between Christian Aid and the Church of Scotland, Church of England, Quakers in Britain and United Reformed Church, encourages people in our congregations to consider leaving gifts in their Wills to Christian Aid and to their own congregation.
  • This short lunchtime session on Zoom will introduce treasurers to the Faith Will resources, and offer ideas and guidance for promoting gifts in wills within their congregations.

Faith Will Clergy Training Session

  • Thursday 10 October, 12.30-1.30pm
  • Registration Link:
  • It is not always easy to know where to start when it comes to talking about gifts in wills. We know it’s important for the future of our church but it can be difficult to raise for so many reasons.
  • This one-hour webinar is designed to help you understand how to talk about gifts in wills in your church, and how the ecumenical ‘Faith Will’ legacy campaign can help to make it easier to talk about. Together we will walk through the resources we have created for this campaign and learn how to present a legacy-focused sermon or talk. We will also talk about the Church of England's legacy resources and the importance of having a legacy policy in place.
  • Hopefully, you will leave feeling fully equipped and prepared to inspire others with the power of legacy giving! 


Page last updated: Friday 6th September 2024 11:30 AM
First published on: 6th September 2024
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