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Energy Footprint Tool

There is still time for your church to complete the Energy Footprint Tool, with 2020 collection closing at midnight on the 30th September.

The Energy Footprint Tool reopened on 30th March 2021, for churches around the country to enter their 2020 utility bills, and find out their "carbon footprint".

The easy-to-use Energy Footprint Tool will tell your church what your "carbon footprint" is, based on the energy you use to heat and light your buildings.

The system uses the information the Church of England already holds about your church to help populate your answers. This means churches will only be asked for a small amount of additional information. (You will need to have the whole of last year's electricity and gas/oil bills).

Complete the tool

If you would like to find out more, please visit the Church of England website, which holds more information and directs you to where you can submit your information.


First published on: 17th September 2021
Page last updated: Friday 17th September 2021 10:35 AM
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