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Diocesan Card Reader Initiative

In October 2019, the Diocese of Ely launched a scheme to offer to pay for a contactless giving device for every church in the Diocese. Full details of this initiative were sent to PCC Treasurers (copied to Clergy and Churchwardens).

Our recommended card reader device can take contactless donations (up to £30, currently) offline, without Wi-Fi or phone signal at the point of transaction. The GoodBox Mini can also take Chip and Pin payments (to any value), but only with Wi-Fi or minimum 3G phone signal at the point of transaction.

A copy of the letter issued can be viewed here and the application form requesting a card reader can be downloaded here.

Kindly note that, in mid-2020, GoodBox revised its pricing structure and the Lite Package is no longer available. Details of the current GoodBox pricing arrangements are available from Martin Kenward (Projects and Development Officer), who is taking the lead on this initiative and is the point of contact for all correspondence, queries and application submissions.

Martin can be contacted by email here.

First published on: 27th May 2021
Page last updated: Wednesday 16th June 2021 8:38 AM
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