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Digital Giving in the Diocese of Ely

As the use of cash continues to decline throughout society, it is vital that our churches are equipped to receive gifts using a range of mechanisms.

We are very pleased to announce that the Diocese of Ely is about to join in the rollout of a national Digital (or ‘contactless’) Giving scheme. The scheme is part of the Church of England’s broader National Giving strategy, which has committed £1.25m to equip thousands more churches to accept digital / contactless payments over the next two years.

Digital giving refers to donations made using a bank card or smart device, such as a mobile phone, either via a contactless donation unit or through an online giving page accessed through a web browser or QR code.

Partnering with the National Giving Team in this scheme will enable us to equip 50 or more churches in our Diocese with contactless capability, providing another income stream in these current challenging circumstances.

More information about this exciting initiative, including the types of devices available and the timescales of the project, will follow soon, along with an invitation to apply on behalf of your church.

In the meantime, you can read more about the Church of England’s National Digital Giving Rollout scheme at Digital Giving Rollout 2022-2024 | The Church of England

Further information


First published on: 8th June 2022
Page last updated: Wednesday 8th June 2022 3:55 PM
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