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Contemplating Creationtide - The Quiet Garden Movement

The Quiet Garden Movement is a network of outdoor spaces and gardens spread across both rural and urban locations worldwide. These outdoor spaces are used for prayer, contemplation, stillness and rest for the spiritual, mental and physical well-being of individuals, groups and communities.

The Quiet Garden Movement is committed to, and inspired by, its Christian roots. However, those involved in the Movement come from a variety of traditions and cultures, and access to outdoor spaces and gardens is available to individuals and communities of all faiths and none. As such, the gardens are found in a variety of settings including private homes, churches, schools, hospitals, community gardens, prisons, retreat centres and woodland burial grounds.

As we head into the Season of Creation, many of us will welcome a quiet place in nature for prayer and contemplation. You can find a quiet garden here using the garden search facility, which enables you to search for a garden in a particular area and view details of the garden including opening times, location, events and contact details. 

The Quiet Garden Movement flows from the example of Jesus’ withdrawal to natural places to pray and his invitation to, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’ (St Mark’s Gospel 6:31). If Jesus regularly and consistently needed such space to just ‘be’, then so do we.

First published on: 25th August 2023
Page last updated: Friday 25th August 2023 3:42 PM
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