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Congratulations to Brian Macdonald-Milne

Congratulations to Brian Macdonald-Milne

Who, on 28th May 2021, celebrated the 60th anniversary of his Priesting in Blackburn Cathedral, for future service in Melanesia in the Western Pacific.

Brian is grateful for the prayers and good wishes he received to mark the 60th anniversary of his priesting. 

He writes: “I was delighted to receive messages from the Bishops of Ely and Colchester, which I was able to read out at the special service on Trinity Sunday at Waterbeach at which I presided and preached, marking the 60th anniversary of my priesting.

We had three local singers from one family, so were able to have hymns sung for the first time for ages, and two of them also played music during the administration of the Sacrament.  We even had refreshments outside after the service, which had not been possible or advisable until now.  I wrote a special hymn for the Feast, and another hymn of mine was sung on the feast of Corpus Christi at the Eucharist at Corpus Christi College, with music by Nick Danks, Director of Music and Fellow of the College.

The College kindly allowed me to preside and preach at the Eucharist in Chapel on Pentecost Sunday, as part of my thanksgiving for 60 years as a priest, being an alumnus of the College.”

On May 27, at the invitation of the Vicar of Little St Mary’s in Cambridge, Brian presided at the morning Eucharist at Little St Mary's in connection with this significant anniversary.

First published on: 16th June 2021
Page last updated: Wednesday 16th June 2021 11:35 AM
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