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Argentinian Connections at St Andrew's Church, Soham

On Sunday 11 September at 3pm in St Andrew's Church, Soham there will be a service of thanksgiving marking the 90th anniversary of the death of William Case Morris.

Case Morris was born and is buried in Soham but spent much of his life in Argentina where his fervent Christian faith inspired him to found the El Alba Children's Homes. He is still celebrated there as 'El Amigo de los Niños': an educator whose influence continues to change the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable in Argentinian society today.

The service will include videos made by children in El Alba and in Soham; presentations on Case Morris' life and the life of El Alba today; discussion and a Q&A. 

Exhibition material will be provided by Soham Heritage and Tourism.

Following refreshments at the end of the service, anyone who wishes will be invited to make their way to William Case Morris and his mother's graves in Soham Town Cemetery where - at 4.30pm - we will lay some flowers.

All are welcome. There will be a retiring collection for the work of El Alba.

The Reverend Eleanor Whalley



First published on: 1st August 2022
Page last updated: Monday 1st August 2022 9:26 AM
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