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A Pilgrimage to The Holy Land - with Bishop Stephen Conway

A Pilgrimage to The Holy Land - With Bishop Stephen Conway

7-16 May 2024

10 Days based in Jerusalem and Galilee

McCabe Pilgrimages are inviting you to join Bishop Stephen Conway on a A Pilgrimage to The Holy Land - 10 Days in Jerusalem and Galilee

Extract from McCabe's brochure:

It is always very moving to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, there is so much to see and experience and learn together. St Jerome said: ‘Five gospels record the life of Jesus. Four you will find in books and the one you will find in the land they call Holy. Read the fifth gospel and the world of the four will open to you.’

We invite you to come and know this for yourselves whether you are new to the Holy Land or have been many times before; there are always new sights and sounds to reflect upon. Reading the gospels will never be the same again and by visiting the Holy Land we are standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters there too. To have the chance to meet the ‘living stones’, the local Palestinian and Israeli Christians who are the ongoing, living church in the region, is humbling.

Our pilgrimage will include the sites where the most important events in Our Lord’s life and ministry took place: in Jerusalem and the surrounding area and further north in Galilee. We hope that if you have never been on pilgrimage to the Holy Land before you will choose to join us and, if you have been before, we welcome you back. Our journey is a life changing as well as faith changing experience.

We invite you to journey with us and to share in this great opportunity to see those places we read of in the Scriptures.

Further Information

Reserve you place

Please email the Reverend Canon Becky Dyball at to request a booking form in order to reserve your place.

First published on: 9th February 2023
Page last updated: Wednesday 15th February 2023 11:01 AM
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