Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs)

What are Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs)?

Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) are lay people who come from all walks of life; they are licensed by their bishop to a teaching and preaching ministry, both within church and outside its traditional boundaries. Called by God and trained in theology, they bring their life experience, skills and knowledge to their Christian service. LLMs often have a role in equipping other Christians to grow as disciples in their places of daily living.

They work together with ordained and lay colleagues, usually serving within a ministry team.

In addition to preaching and leading worship LLMs may:

LLMs also find many informal ways of ministering by their presence, witness and listening at their places of work, at home, among neighbours and in their local communities.

LLM Continuing Ministerial Development

Reflective Pastoral Supervision

Guidelines and forms for Reflective Pastoral Supervision.

LLM Handbook

LLM Handbook - currently being revised, available soon.

Resolving a complaint

Resolving a complaint involving an LLM - currently being revised - available soon.

Contact the Lay Ministry Team

Warden of LLMs (Warden of Readers): 
Cathy Watts -

The Warden of LLMs supports the discernment and selection of LLMs, as well as supporting LLMs in the Diocese.

LLM Selection Officer:

LLM Administrator:
Sophie Smith -

Vocations Administrator:
Alison Baker -

Diocesan Director of Lay Ministry:
Julie Norris -

Assistant Director of Lay Ministry:
Niki Whitby -

Lay Ministry Development Officer:
Niamh Colbrook -

Director of Mission and Ministry:
Peter Leech -

Chair of the LLM Readers Board:
Lindi Kent

Area Subwardens

The Diocese of Ely has four Area Sub Wardens:

Cambridge North (Deaneries of Cambridge North, North Stowe, Fordham & Quy): Alison Wedgbury

Cambridge South (Deaneries of Cambridge South, Bourn, Shingay and Granta): Lindi Kent

Huntingdon (Deaneries of Huntingdon, St Ives, St Neots and Yaxley): Rosie Tallowin

Wisbech (Deaneries Wisbech Lynn Marshland, Fincham & Feltwell, March and Ely): Nigel Moat

Transforming Ministry

You will find stories, resources, and book reviews, as well as useful information for Wardens, lay ministers, and those exploring Licensed Lay ministry at Lay Developed by the Central Readers' Council, the site is being developed to support Readers/LLMs and all kinds of lay ministry within the Church of England.

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