Archdeacons' Visitations

Church Visits are Visitations to parishes carried out by the Archdeacon, the Rural Dean or the Deanery Lay Chair.

Every parish is visted on a three-yearly cycle. These visits give PCCs the opportunity to share stories about the life of their Church and to help shape strategic planning and support.

The Church visits questionnaire and guidance notes have been circulated to churchwardens, clergy and PCC secretaries via email in November 2024. Since then there have been some minor edits to both of these documents, and they are being sent out again with each confirmed visit.

If you're looking for guidance to help you complete the 2025 Church Visits Questionnaire, or which documents, policies or similar need to be in place, please contact the Archdeacons Office.

Archdeacons’ Visitation News

Each year, Ecclesiastical support Dioceses in the production of the Archdeacons’ Visitation News. This publication contains articles of particular relevance to the role of Churchwarden, to help support, guide and advise.

The latest publication can be downloaded below.

First published on: 1st July 2019
Page last updated: Monday 10th March 2025 5:17 PM
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