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The list below contains a record of the staff of the Ely Diocesan Board of Finance (the "Diocesan Office"), the Bishops' and Archdeacons Offices, as well as other members of Senior Staff, Bishop's Advisors, Rural Deans and other key contacts.

You can filter the list by department using the 'Tags' dropdown, or use the search bar to search for a name/keyword.

If you are not sure who to contact, or can not find what you are looking for, the following numbers are some of the more commonly requested details.

Further Support

James Owen, Communications Team

Communications Team
Role Summary:
The Communications Consultant supports the Diocese of Ely Communications Team as required.

Crockford's Directory

Crockford's Directory
Role Summary:
Crockfords is the national directory for all Church of England contacts at national, diocesan and parish level.
Email Address:

Diocesan Directory

Diocesan Directory
Role Summary:
The Diocesan Directory is a record of the key parochial structures and people within the Diocese of Ely.

Diocesan Registry (Diocesan Registrar) 

Diocesan Registry
Role Summary:
The Diocesan Registry is primarily to be a source of information for those working in the Diocesan parishes and as a portal for parishes to monitor the progress of their Petitions for Faculties.

Paul Evans, Diocesan Secretary

Diocesan Secretary
Role Summary:
Diocesan Secretary
Email Address:

Shirley Thackray, Executive Assistant to Diocesan Secretary

Diocesan Secretary
Role Summary:
Executive Assistant to Diocesan Secretary

Ely Diocese Mothers' Union

Ely Diocese Mothers' Union
Role Summary:
The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian membership charity that aims to demonstrate the Christian faith in action through the transformation of communities worldwide..
Email Address:

Lorraine Orbell, Financial Controller

Finance Department
Role Summary:
Financial Controller for the Finance Department of the Ely Diocesan Board of Finance.

Sarah Hewitt, Accounts Assistant and Parish Gift Aid Support Officer

Finance Department
Role Summary:
Accounts Assistant and Parish Gift Aid Support Officer.

Jennifer Stannett, Finance Assistant (Education and Trusts)

Finance Department
Role Summary:
Finance Assistant - Education and Trusts

Jon Green, Glebe and Investments Officer

Glebe and Investments
Role Summary:
Glebe and Investments Officer
Email Address:

Holli Bielby, Development Officer: Communications

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Holli is Development Officer (Communications), based within the Mission and Ministry Team. She supports the Diocese on matters of news sharing and communication support.

Peter Leech, Director for Mission and Ministry

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Peter leads the Mission and Ministry team, in work focusing on Leadership Development, Parish Innovation, Community Mission and Administrative Support.

David Newton, Diocesan Director of Ordinands (DDO)

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Our Diocesan Director of Ordinands (DDO) supports the discernment process for ordinands and their training programmes.

Steve Rothwell, Initial Ministerial Education (IME2) Training Officer

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Initial Ministerial Education (IME2) and our curate training scheme is led by the Revd Steve Rothwell as Curate Training Officer. 

David Sheppard, Support for Vocations

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Support for Vocations is provided by the Revd David Sheppard, who offers formational development from early vocational footsteps into more formal lay or ordained ministerial journeys.

Julie Norris, Diocesan Director of Lay Ministry (DDLM)

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Julie is leading the selection, training and development of Licensed (LLM) and Authorised (ALM) Lay Ministry, and thus working with local training providers and national initiatives. 

Cathy Watts, Warden of LLMs (Warden of Readers)

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
In support of the DDO and DDLM, Cathy Watts (LLM) is our Warden of LLMs (Warden of Readers). The Warden of LLMs (Warden of Readers) is an important contributor to the selection, development, training and ministry of Licensed Lay Ministers in the Diocese.

Mike Kelly, Development Officer: Youth and Families

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Mike provides advice to parishes and clergy, specialist ALM/LLM accreditation, youth workers network development, church group establishment, and training resource creation.
Email Address:

Ruth New, Development Officer: Children and Families

Mission and Ministry
Role Summary:
Ruth's role is to create vision, resource, equip, train and encourage those working with children in the Diocese.
Email Address:
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