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Church Heating
Church Heating
Presentations on different ways of heating your church, from a Diocesan heating seminar held in 2023.
The Diocese of Ely Church Buildings & Pastoral Department held a training day of seminars focussing on Church Heating during June 2023.
The day brought together a wide range of expertise to help churches to understand the rules governing the management of church heating, with a real focus on helping parishes to achieve the Net Carbon Zero goal adopted by the Diocese of Ely and the Church of England.
Presentations from the day
- Net Zero Carbon - Geoffrey Hunter
- Solar panels and heatpump at Waterbeach - Richard Stobart
- General Heating Options for Churches - Bawden Burrows
- Heat Pumps - Shane Browne of Mitsubishi
- Pew Cushion Heating - Richard Hammerschmidt
- St Mary's, March, Heat Pump Case Study - Bob Skelton
- Solar PVs on Churches - Alexandros Michalitsianos of Arch:Angel
- Wiring Installation - Church Heating - John Morgan