
Welcome to the Documents page of the website.

This page allows you to search and filter for all the documents on the website.

Please note, on occasion old or outdated documents may remain online but which have past their valid use, so please ensure when looking for the latest documentation on a matter that you navigate to the correct section of the website to ensure you are using the latest version.

This is the published guidence for Parish Roles and Responsibilities with additional information on who performs what function

Parish Safeguarding Officer and DBS Administrator Registration form

This is the Service Sheet for the Commissioning of new Parish Safeguarding Officers

This is guidence on Parish Safeguarding Officer role and the essentials of parish safeguarding

This is the Parish Statement on Domestic Abuse

This is the Pastoral Organisation - Glossery of Terms

This is the Pastoral Schemes and Orders A Step By Step Flowchart

This is the guidence for Pastoral Visiting - Risk Assessment

Showing 681 to 700 of 943 Documents.
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