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The Revd Nicola (Nikki) Antoinette Mann, Rector of the Raddesley Group

We are greatly shocked and saddened to have learned on Maundy Thursday that Nikki died suddenly at home on Wednesday 31st March.

Nikki was Rector of the Raddesley Group of parishes (Brinkley, Burrough Green, Carlton, Dullingham, Stetchworth, and Westley Waterless) where she had been since September 2017, having served her curacy in Stamford, in the Diocese of Lincoln. She was widely known across the Diocese, as Adviser for BAME matters and a member of Diocesan Synod, and in the wider Church as a member of the executive committee of AMEN (the Anglican Minority Ethnic Network). All who encountered Nikki were struck by her smile, her warmth, and her joy. She was passionate about justice and inclusion in the Church and in wider society, and we will all miss her very much.
Details of the funeral will follow in due course.

In the meantime, we pray for Nikki’s family and friends – especially for her husband and children – for the parishes, and for all who share our grief at this news. And we pray for Nikki – with thanksgiving for her life and ministry, and trusting that she now shares in the full joy of Christ’s resurrection life.

First published on: 12th April 2021
Page last updated: Monday 12th April 2021 8:16 AM
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