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RIP - Mrs Susan Baker

We are very sad to announce the death of Mrs Susan Baker, following a long illness.

Susan was married to Philip, and they lived in Burwell for many years, where she began her teaching career, eventually becoming Head of Girton Glebe Primary School before her retirement. Susan was an active member of St Mary’s Church, Burwell, teaching in Sunday School, and enthusiastically supporting and taking a leadership role in many areas of church life, particularly work with young people, children and families, in the parish and local community.

She was a member of Young Wives, before joining Mothers’ Union, and eventually becoming Burwell Branch Leader. In Ely Diocesan MU she spent 12 years as Archdeaconry Vice-President and as an outstanding Diocesan President. Her innovative work in Wisbech, employing a family worker as well as piloting Stories on the Street was very forward thinking - as she often was. She visited Rwanda twice and brought back many activities and ideas from MU branches in Africa.

Susan was elected as Mothers’ Union Provincial President for Canterbury but was unable to take up her post because of illness. She is a great loss nationally to the MU in Britain and Ireland as well as in Ely Diocese.

She will be greatly missed, and we pray for Philip, for their children Alice and Stephen, and for the five grandchildren.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

First published on: 28th September 2020
Page last updated: Monday 28th September 2020 11:22 AM
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