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Appointments of Bishop's Advisors

We are pleased to announce that the following clergy have been appointed by the Bishop as Advisors, operating as part of the Mission and Ministry Team:


The Revd Rachel Blanchflower – Bishop’s Advisor for Rural Issues

The Revd Philip Howson – Bishop’s Advisor for Wellbeing

The Revd Susan (Sue) Butler – Bishop’s Advisor for Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Community

The Revd Canon Richard Darmody – Interim Bishop’s Advisor for Racial Justice

The Revd Michael David Newton – Bishop’s Advisor for Climate

The Revd Imogen Nay – Bishop’s Advisor for Climate

They will be commissioned on the 16th of June at the Diocesan Synod.

First published on: 1st June 2023
Page last updated: Wednesday 14th June 2023 6:43 AM
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