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Appointment Announcement: Mr Jonathan Young

The Acting Bishop of Ely, the Rt Revd Dr Dagmar Winter, has today announced the appointment of Jonathan Young as the new Diocesan Director of Education for Ely Diocese. Jon will lead the diocesan education team and engage with colleagues across the education sector locally, regionally and nationally. He will be a member of the Bishop’s Senior Team and work to build on existing partnerships between education, ministry and mission. He will take up his appointment in September 2024.

Commenting on his appointment, Jon Young said: "I am thrilled to have been appointed Diocesan Director of Education. I am looking forward to working collaboratively across the diocese to develop our educational provision for the good of our young people. In doing so, I hope to build close relationships with diocesan colleagues, churches, school leaders, teachers, parents and pupils."     

Bishop Dagmar welcomed Jon’s appointment, saying: “I am delighted at the appointment of Jonathan Young as DDE. Jon brings a wealth of experience in the field of education and other sectors, as well as a passion for the church’s ministry in schools and among children, young people and families. We very much look forward to welcoming him to the diocese in September.”

First published on: 18th April 2024
Page last updated: Tuesday 14th May 2024 1:41 AM
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