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Heritage at Risk
Heritage at Risk
Find out about Heritage at Risk in your area by searching the register.
As a country we have a huge number of historically important sites and places (known as ‘Heritage Assets’), which range from archaeological and wreck sites to buildings of all types, including churches.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (advised by Historic England) designates some buildings as ‘listed’ in recognition of their special architectural and historic interest: Grade I (of exceptional special interest), Grade II* (more than special interest) and Grade II (special interest).
Historic England assesses the overall state of these heritage assets and maintains a register of those which are most at risk of deterioration. This is called the Heritage at Risk Register, also known as the HAR .
Please read the downloadable guidance document for more information about the HAR and what it means if your church is identified as a candidate for entry.
The HAR is published annually. Click on the link below to visit Historic England’s website, where you can search the HAR or download the register for each region.