Women in Ordained Ministry

Women, from all walks of life, social classes and ethnic backgrounds have always served to bring the transforming power of the Gospel into every context. Ordained women are vital to the work of the Diocese of Ely as 'we pray to be generous and visible people of Jesus Christ'.

The Bishop's Advisor for Women in Ministry for the Diocese of Ely

The Revd Lynda Davies can be contacted on revlyndadavies559@gmail.com

Our Bishop's Advisor represents the needs and circumstances of ordained women as a member of the Bishop's Senior Staff team, with a remit to promote the full inclusion of women with the following three priorities:

  • Encouraging young vocations (under 32 years)
  • Supporting well-being and aspiration for women in ministry at every level
  • Monitoring Diocese of Ely HR for gender balance,transparency, good practice, policies, habits and ethos

Our Bishop's Advisor is supported in her role by other ordained women, the women's Focus Group and in the Clergy Well-Being Group and sends out a digital newsletter with regular updates for women clergy. 

Is the Diocese of Ely a good place for women?

This is a good question to ask, especially if you are exploring the possibility of ordination or if you are looking to move into the Diocese. Ministry is not easy and it is important that the Diocese is behind you as you step out into new challenges ahead. The Women's Focus group have done some research and these are their results:

  • When it comes to gender balance, the Diocese of Ely consistently leads the way in national comparisons. In 2019, women accounted for 42% of all ordained clergy, 41% of all incumbents.
  • The Rt Revd Dr Dagmar Winter, East Anglia’s first female bishop, was appointed in 2019 as Bishop of Huntingdon and is currently also Acting Bishop of Ely. 
  • The number of women serving on diocesan committees, senior staff, self-supporting ordained ministers (SSOMs) and the cathedral staff are steadily growing with the support of our Bishops, Senior Staff and Diocesan Directors.
  • Clergy wellbeing is a priority in our Diocese. Information is readily available for all clergy to access further support either for personal reasons or for a member of their family.
  • The Women's Focus Group invites all female clergy to discuss concerns, including workplace culture and the recruitment across the church traditions.

The Diocese of Ely is a good place for women to work and minister. We are encouraged by the healthy gender balance and support at every level. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do get in touch.

Hope of our calling: Celebrating 30 years of Women's Priestly Ministry

Two events celebrating and commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the first ordination of women as Priests in the Church of England took place in Cambridge and Ely in November 2024.

Useful links

Page last updated: Thursday 14th November 2024 12:30 PM
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