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Children around the UK speak up ahead of the next General Election

Young people up and down the country have been given the chance to create their own mini-manifestos in the run up to the next General Election, thanks to an initiative from four UK-based charities.

Christian Aid has joined forces with CAFOD, Oxfam GB and Send my Friend to School to create a series of resources which help children understand the UK election process and explore ways to engage with prospective politicians.

The organisations believe, despite not having a vote, youngsters can be global citizens and actively play a part in politics by voicing their opinions.

They have produced a class manifesto project pack to guide teachers and students through a journey looking at how politics affects everyone’s lives and ending with them coming up with a manifesto setting out the youngsters’ views, hopes and visions of the role the UK can have in making the world a better and fairer place.

Schools are then encouraged to share their manifesto with their local parliamentary candidates.

Christian Aid’s Children and Young People Programme Manager, Alison Brown, explained: “We were delighted to be involved in this initiative. Even though children can’t vote, their voices can still be heard. These young people are future voters and should be encouraged to learn how politics affects things in this country, as well as around the world.

“Children and young people have a strong sense of justice and we look forward to helping them become courageous advocates for change on a global scale, engaging with decision makers and urging the next UK Government to be a force for good on the world stage.”

The resources are available on each organisation’s website - including Christian Aid - get involved, schools and youth.

Page last updated: Thursday 8th August 2024 5:22 PM
First published on: 8th August 2024
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